
Sunday, March 28, 2010

New Stuff, Free Stuff and other Stuff

I've been Tweeting about it, so I have to blog it now. So much has been happening.

First of all, in order to push ebooks, my publisher has dropped the price of Fang Face on ebook to $2.99.

Personally, I've never bought an ebook, and I don't own a Kindle. I've always been partial to reading a regular book, spilling coffee on it, using important bits of paper as bookmarks.

I had to experiment a bit. First of all, I got on Amazon's site and found Fang Face. Yep, less than three bucks.

But like I said, I don't own a Kindle. How can I read a Kindle book without a Kindle?

No problem. If you look to the right where it says "Buy Now" there's a button that reads, "Available on your PC."


I clicked on this button and derned if they don't actually have an ebook reader that you can download for FREE. So I downloaded the reader. Then it said I can see a sample/preview of the book. Again for FREE.

So I clicked that button and next thing I know, I'm reading the beginning on ebook on a format that looks like the Kindle reader itself (I don't have one, but I know what they look like).

How cool is that? The whole thing took less than five minutes!!

Here's where it gets better.

Before I wrote the Adventures of Guy series, I wrote a non-fiction book composed of a series of humor essays. I called it, "The Guy'd Book ... why we leave the seat up and other stuff" and parts of it were published in the Chicago Tribune and Cynic Magazine (it made three of the 'Best of' issues). I used many of the same themes in my Adventures of Guy books.

A week ago, after getting excited about ebooks, I decided to put "The Guy'd Book" on Kindle. It took most of the day to format it, design a cover and work my way through Amazon's site, but I succeeded. And you can get "The Guy'd Book" on ebook for two bucks!

But I'm not done!

My publisher reverted the rights to two Adventures of Guy short stories back to me. They were published in the anthologies "Missing" and "The Heat of the Moment." But now they're mine again. And they can be yours ... for free!

Yesterday, I spent the entire day streamlining my entire website, and both of these stories can be downloaded FOR FREE from my site If you've read my award-winning Adventures of Guy series, or if you've wondered about them, either revisit or get a taste by reading these stories.

Then, if that whetted your appetite ... there are two books available with the same wacky characters (eye wiggle).

So like I said, so much stuff going on.

I'm so aTwitter.


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